Rapides Parish Police Jury
Established in 1807, Rapides Parish is located in Central Louisiana and encompasses 1,362 square miles and has a population of over 131,000.The Police Jury is the governing authority for Rapides Parish - The Heart of Louisiana.
Craig Smith, President
Rapides Parish Police Jury
Rapides Parish Civil Service Office
Employment Center
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Current Items

Rapides Parish Police Jury Receives 10 Trash Receptacles Through Keep Louisiana Beautiful Grant to Prevent Litter in Cotile Recreation Park
The Rapides Parish Police Jury is pleased to be selected as one of the 98 recipients of the 2023 Keep Louisiana Beautiful trash receptacle grant
Stormwater Pollution Prevention
Storm Water Pollution Prevention The purpose and objectives of the Stormwater Code are as follows: To maintain and improve the quality of surface water and
Esler Regional Airport
Public Notice Esler Regional Airport Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE) Goals for Federal Fiscal Years 2022, 2023, and 2024
Rapides Parish Police Jury
Police Jurors
The Rapides Parish Police Jury is a nine member body serving as the legislative and executive government of the parish. Its members, known as Jurors, are elected by the voters for a four year term. Annually, the Jurors elect a President as their chairman. The President presides over the Police Jury meetings and serves as the head of the parish government.