Office of Economic and Workforce Development (OEWD)

Sharon Neal, Executive Director

The Rapides Parish Police Jury (RPPJ) is the grant recipient of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) funds for the Local Workforce Development Area 61 which covers Rapides Parish.  OEWD provides RPPJ fiscal support in managing these funds and administrative & technical support to the Rapides Workforce Development Board.  The WIOA funds from U.S. Department of Labor support employment and training programs in Rapides Parish.

WIOA law (sec. 107 (a)) stipulates a local workforce development board must be created to carry out the functions noted in the law.   Those functions include:

  1. Creation of a local plan
  2. Workforce research and regional labor market analysis
  3. Convening, brokering, and leveraging
  4. Employer engagement
  5. Career Pathways development
  6. Proven and promising practices
  7. Technology
  8. Program oversight
  9. Negotiation of local performance accountability measures
  10. Selection of operators and providers
  11. Coordination with education providers
  12. Budget and administration
  13. Accessibility for individuals with disabilities

The Board has oversight responsibility of the workforce development system in Rapides Parish. WIOA law (sec. 107 (b)(2)(A)) requires fifty-one percent (51%) of the Board members be business leaders in the community.  The businesses must reflect the industries drivers in our area.  Twenty percent (20%) of the members must be workforce representatives coming from Labor Organization and Joint Labor-Management, Union affiliated or registered apprenticeships, a minimum of 2 members from Education, and a minimum of 4 members representing Government and Economic Development. 

Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. Equal Opportunity Employer/Program. Deaf, hard-of-hearing or speech impaired customers may contact: LRS# 1-800-846-5277 (TDD) LRS# 1-800-947-5277 (Voice)
Equal Opportunity is the Law